Sunday, August 5, 2007

Foodies of the World--UNITE!!!

If Godiva and Dom Perignon mean more to you than Cartier and Louis Vuitton, if you'd rather watch Top Chef than American Idol, if you've never been to In 'n Out Burger and have no regrets about it, have I got a website for you! Tami Yu's Fête à Fête (Get it? It's like "tête à tête" only it's--nevermind...) is a blog about great food and more...

I must admit, I am not really a foodie. I mean, I like to eat--but I'd be hard pressed to be able to distinguish a fine vintage Cabernet from two-buck Chuck from Trader Joes. And I'd happily scarf down a Butterfinger candy bar instead of exotic truffles.

But Tami's blog--well, it makes me ravenous just reading it! It's hedonistic, sybaritic, sumptuous, luscious--well, it's just totally yummy! So whether you're a Gourmet or a Gourmand, pop on over and check it out!

But don't blame me if you end up with a craving for White Chocolate Raspberry Parfait!

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